Thursday 2 May 2013

EXP 2: Progress Sketch up Models

Dorte Mandrup- Poulsen's Monument
"Uniformity of simple spaces"
On the left is the Sketch up model of the axonometric drawing on the right. I rotated that axonometric drawing so it was sitting upright. I felt this position represented the concept of 'uniformity of simple spaces' appropriately and that it looked more "monumental" that the original angle/ position it was drawn in. 
I also added detail (stairs, platforms, tunnels) to the monument to show the circulation and access paths. After speaking to the lecturer, Russell, he said that our final monument did not have to be an exact copy of our axonometric drawing and that we can modify our drawings to best convey and show the concepts of the architects. Dorte Mandrup- Poulsen's monument has the same shape and structure as the axonometric drawing but I added extra elements in order to enhance and convey the concept as best as possible.

Karen Clemmensen's Monument
"Continuous form"
Similarly to Dorte Mandrup-Poulsen's monument, I added detail and elements to Karen Clemmensen's monument to further convey and show the concept of 'continuous form' (Clemmensen's concept).

The Sketch up model is rotated version of the axonometric drawing. I felt this angle/ position showed the concept of 'continuous form' as the two main tunnels in Clemmensen's monument give a sense of continuation when placed in the landscape. The subject interacting with this monument is able to look at from these tunnels and see the continuing landscape, therefore further emphasising the concept of the 'continuous form'.

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