Friday 26 April 2013

EXP 2: Axonometric drawings & concepts

Dorte Mandrup- Poulsen

(Click images to enlarge)

The concepts that I got from looking at the works of Dorte Mandrup- Poulsen are:
  1. Uniformity of simple spaces: Dorte Mandrup- Poulsen's work has a very clean and simple approach. Her works are very linear, which shows the preciseness of the structure.
  2. Injection of humanism into the architecture: Mandrup-Poulsen continuously develops architecture that puts people at the centre of the design. She creates architecture that caters to the needs of the occupants and carefully plans how they will use and interact with the space.
  3. Variations of space: The architecture Dorte Mandup- Poulsen has created serves as versatile spaces used for different purposes, catering for people of different ages and needs. This shows the diversity in her architecture and how it can adapt to different situations.

Karen Clemmensen

(Click images to enlarge)
The concepts that I got from looking at the works of Karen Clemmensen are:
  1. Function over form: Karen Clemmensen's works show that she puts a lot of thought into providing a space for people that functions for their purpose and needs. She focuses more on how the architecture will interact with people rather than the form of it.
  2. Task oriented spaces: Closely relating to the concept above, Clemmensen creates buildings that allow people to perform certain tasks in allocated spaces within the building.
  3. Continuous form: As Clemmensen's works are very linear it gives the impression of the building continuing and merging with the environment/ landscape. Not only does it mean that, the continuous form also means that her architecture has a lasting impression on the people interacting with it.

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